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Miggs B book signing at Library

the reviews are in…

Miggs is creative. When he attacks a problem, he does so with intelligence, insight and humor.
– Martha Stewart (yes, that Martha Stewart)

I keep (What If) front and center on my desk as a reminder of what’s really important!
– Mary Moses, Merchandising Director, IJO

What if the next person you meet has lost all faith in humanity? Would they feel differently if "humanity" was you? We just used this question as a jumping off point with a high school youth group, many of the kids not knowing each other. It turned out better than we ever thought it would - opening up thoughts about the things that divide people and the things that overcome divisions. More than that, it got people to get past the surface so that they could get to know each other on a deeper level. I love this book and will use it again. – Fabrizzi, teacher

All of us can plead guilty to sleep walking thru life at times. Going thru the motions and not spend a single moment thinking deeply about the big things in our lives. What is truly important. How we feel about the major questions that can help create change in our lives and the lives of others. In his book What If ? Miggs has done a masterful job of assembling and crafting a range of questions which on the surface may seem to have simple answers. In fact in thinking more deeply, they serve to open that shut door in our minds and hearts to a new level of exploration and investigation. All of this accomplished in beautiful simplicity by wonderful art and expertly crafted words. Bravo Miggs for composing a book that is destined to stir the emotions and thoughts of many. It is a must read for all who are passionate about living a life...fully awake and aware. – Al DiGuido - Al's Angels

Miggs has written a wry, thoughtful and funny book based on questions we all want to ask but don't. I found myself smiling and chuckling as I cruised through the book. It was amusing and uplifting and often times thought provoking. Miggs will be talking to me on my radio show on 10/30/12 on WDJZ (1530 AM) at 10am EST –  Trevor Crow, LMFT

A thoughtful Q & A book that asks life questions about who I am and why I am not as happy as I might be and with smileful illustrations, points a way toward wisdom. Like a Zen Koan, each question is wrapped in its own answer if the reader but takes the time to understand what it is asking. The book can be flipped through and that will result in many a smile and nod of recognition or awareness. Instead read only a paired question and illustration at a time to better absorb the message that we should live each moment of our lives, one moment at a time. –"Carpe Vinum"

This user-friendly book is a pleasure to hold, the perfect size to randomly riffle through or carefully peruse. The illustrations are fascinating and the queries are sometimes lighthearted, occasionally disturbing, always thought-provoking. It's really quite a weird little book and weird little me intends to use it as a private form of contemplation rather than share the questions with others for discussion. I'll keep it on my bedside table and use it as a notebook, writing down my thoughts after meditating on the "What ifs." My scribbles will disturb the elegant design and perfect balance of the pages but I don't think Mr. Burroughs would mind that. Indeed, his questions seem to be provoking me to do so! –  "Dedicated Reader"

To be up front: I am the son of the author. Although this book is just seeing the light of day now, I was only a teenager when it was being written. (I had no idea he was writing a book at the time, although the familiarity of some of these questions makes me wonder if I wasn't a guinea pig for a few of these introspective posers...) My father has always had a knack for making me think, stepping outside myself and trying to see problems from a different perspective - something that everyone can now experience. If these questions can do that for a sullen, antisocial teen, imagine what they can do for you! – Brayden Burroughs, Esq. - Son

Miggs Burroughs asks all the right answers and questions the answers the reader might ask. Sound confusing? It's not. This little book will make your day (thoughtful) and get you thinking past the pat answers, which isn't half-bad for a book. Hell, it might even change your life. – Norman Conquest, writer

A Winner. For ten bucks it is rare that you will find anything that will make you laugh as well as challenge you to think about your own outlook on life and as a result your behavior - past, present and the future. This book is a great example of power of asking the right questions. – Dennis Wong, Businessman/Rotarian

I learned long ago that a good book rarely answers life's most serious questions; it asks them. In "What If?", artist Miggs Burroughs shares with us the same quirky, deceptively simple, profound questions about human nature that inform his work. He leaves us alone to ponder our own complicated answers, but hints at--nudges us toward--the generosity and wisdom he envisions. – Dalma Heyn, Best-selling author

What if I gave this book 5 stars? What if this book made me think about normal ever day life in a new inspring way? What if..... shoot, I gotta go, sorry... I just came up with a "WHAT IF" I want to "IF" – DaveJR, videographer

"It's introspective, thought-provoking, so easy to read. I really love it."
– Gene Krackehl, author of "You are the Healer"

The What If book can be read quickly or slowly...And now that I have it, I will read it repeatedly with delight.
– Eve Stockton, artist

Miggs Burroughs plays with words which play with your mind. And then you think and frankly maybe even change some aspects of your life for the better. Quite brilliant, this little book. I've actually bought a bunch for my family and friends--the ultimate mind-stocking present. - Joel L. Freedman - film director/producer

It’s a quick and simple read — but it’s hardly quick and simple. It’s a thought-provoking, inspirational work that gets you thinking in random, odd ways. About things you’ve thought of often, and things you never imagined would enter your brain. - Dan Woog, 06880 blog

Just had to tell you how much I love your book! What if Miggs wrote a book that was really wonderful and inspiring?
- Mary Ellen Hendricks, photographer


With words or images Miggs isn't one to waste a syllable or a line. Reticent, succinct and always entertaining, he says a lot with dazzling economy - and just plain makes you think, whether you want to or not.
– Howie Sann, Writer

© 2022 by Miggs Burroughs


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